Unlocking the Power of Journalling: A Guide to Getting Started

Feeling motivated to start a journal this year? Start your journalling journey today with my helpful tips and prompts.

Are you thinking about starting a journal this year but not sure how to begin? I’ve got you covered! I’ve compiled a list of prompts and ideas to help you get started with journalling. Whether you want to express your thoughts and feelings, track your personal growth, or cultivate gratitude, these prompts will guide you on how to get started. Plus, I’m offering free gratitude journalling prompts to help you focus on the positive aspects of life.

Last week I hit a wall – I just woke up one day on the wrong side of the bed feeling off. So I decided to stay at home and feel into what was going on in my body. I felt into the emotions arising, however as the day went on I just couldn’t shift the funk. Until – I thought yes my journal. I sat down and began to write how I would feel if all the things I wanted were happening in that very moment.

My body was being tricked! I started to feel so amazing as my cells started to believe what I was writing was true. Such a powerful process – and so much fun!

I ended up feeling so elated and confident in my power and life that I had loosened those rough edges for the day and moved the energy along.

This way of journalling is called scripting; where we write as though our dreams and wishes are happening right now and how that would feel in first person.

I was only introduced to this style of journalling last year after over 10 years of consistent journalling and I’ve never felt a style so AMAZING! Early in my practice, it was hard to come up with something new to write about every day. A lot of my journalling got pretty redundant for awhile, before I got good at it.

There are so Many Ways to Journal!


Oogling – Act “as if” (verbal journalling/ speech)
Scripting – Write “as if”
Gratitude – what are you thankful for?
Free State – streaming (don’t censor your thoughts)
Diary – reflections on what happened today
Desires – keep going until you get to 300! cover all aspects of your life
Triggers – explore the ‘why’ and root cause of your trigger

Find your style that works for you or download a list of gratitude prompts to help you get your gratitude journal journey started!

When is a Good Time to Journal?

  • First thing when you wake up (answering questions from the subconscious or doing a brain dump of the dross)
  • Just before you go to sleep (asking questions of your subconscious that you would like answers for when you wake up)
  • Anytime you want to dissipate, shift or work through something
  • When you want to explore an idea or emotion
  • When you want to amplify an emotion or feeling
  • You are triggered
Coffee Mug

Gratitude Journalling: How to Start a Journal

Gratitude journalling is a practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in your life. This form of journalling can have numerous benefits for your mental health and well-being. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, gratitude journalling can help you cultivate a positive mindset, increase your resilience to stress, and improve your overall mood. It can also help you develop a greater sense of appreciation for the people and things in your life, which can improve your relationships and foster a sense of connection. When you write down your thoughts and feelings of thankfulness, it makes them more tangible and lasting than simply speaking them aloud. Gratitude journalling is a powerful tool for promoting happiness, awareness, and personal growth.

Find your style that works for you or download a list of gratitude prompts to help you get your gratitude journal journey started! Use the prompts to help you built a practice for the next 30 days. Before you know it, you’ll have created a daily habit that can grow with you.

I recommend a simple journalling process to begin with. You can do this practice in so many ways:

  • on a sticky or post-it note
  • in a simple, spiral notebook
  • in a section of your diary or planner
  • buy a special journal
  • on the FREE template download

Just remember, it’s the act of gratitude that is most important, not how fancy your journal is.

Once you’ve got a place to write, you just make time every day to write something you’re grateful for!

What to Write or Draw in Your Journal?

It can be something as simple as one line in your journal, or a full journal entry that goes on for pages. Mine vary in length depending on my mood, what pens I have on hand, and how much time I have.

Not sure how to get started? Grab your Gratitude Journal Prompt free resource to help you come up with ideas for your first month!

Turn journalling into a lifetime habit!


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