Psychosomatics – Bodily Symptoms and What They are Trying to Tell Us

Know what your body is trying to tell you

Psychosomatics relates to the interaction and relationship between mind and body. Essentially the mind, body and spirit are all one and communicating with each other to enable our function, perspective and interpretation of the world. We are a multidimensional being with senses feeling in every realm. It’s just a matter of being able to listen and understand those messages that we are receiving through our body. 

The term ‘psychosomatic’ merges the two Greek words psykhē (mind) and sōma (body) and means mind and body related. A psychosomatic disorder is an illness which involves both mind and body.”

Feelings are the language of the soul.

Communication between the mind, body and spirit is occurring every moment. Are you listening? When we allow our thoughts to take over and don’t understand or listen to the connected emotions, they become unexpressed, repressed or suppressed, creating blockages, excess or deficiency in our body manifesting into dis-ease or physical symptoms and unease in the body. 

My intrigue for kinesthetics and body language and the why behind my feelings and dis-ease lead to the exploration and delving into linguistics, philosophy, psychosomatics and emotional anatomy. If you would like to explore these further for yourself, or maybe if you can’t see the physical manifestations or emotional blockages that are being presented; I offer a holistic approach to therapy with emotional anatomy sessions and creative self-inquiry to dive deeper into the causes of your symptoms and assist you to transform these. Simply message me or book a free clarity call to see what you would like to uncover. There are also many incredible texts and resources that detail the psychosomatic link between the emotional and physical body, ailments and dis-ease. Remember to use, and nothing works better than your own intuition as a navigation of the soul and your own bodily experience, it’s just a matter of awareness and uncovering the natural human ability that is already there. 

These include:

The below is a brief reference guide of bodily symptoms according to the late and respected Louise Hay. Feel free to bookmark this post as a reference guide.

Symptoms list


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
Abdominal CrampsFear. Stopping the process.I trust the process of life and allow it to unfold.
AbscessFermenting thoughts over hurts, slights, and revenge.I release all negative thoughts and embrace healing.
AccidentsInability to speak up for the self. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.I express myself confidently and peacefully.
AchesLonging for love. Longing to be held.I am surrounded by love, and I allow it to fill me.
AcneNot accepting the self. Dislike of the self.I fully accept and love myself for who I am.
AddictionsRunning from the self. Fear. Not knowing how to love self.I am in control of my life, and I choose love over fear.
Adrenal ProblemsDefeatism. No longer caring for the self. Anxiety.I am capable, cared for, and I trust the process of life.
AlcoholismFeeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Self-rejection.I release feelings of inadequacy and embrace my worthiness.
AllergiesDenying your own power.I acknowledge and embrace my personal power.
Alzheimer’s DiseaseRefusal to deal with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.I am at peace with the present moment, and I choose love.
AmenorrheaNot wanting to be a woman. Dislike of the self.I embrace my feminine essence with love and acceptance.
Anemia“Yes-but” attitude. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Not feeling good enough.I choose joy and recognize my inherent worthiness.
AnkleInflexibility and guilt. Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure.I am flexible, guilt-free, and open to receiving joy.
AnorexiaDenying the self life. Extreme fear, self-hatred, and rejection.I choose life, love, and self-acceptance.
AnxietyNot trusting the flow and the process of life.I trust in the natural flow of life, and I am at peace.
ApathyResistance to feeling. Deadening of the self. Fear.I embrace my emotions and live with purpose and passion.
Appetite, ExcessiveFear. Needing protection. Judging the emotions.I release fear, trust in my ability to protect myself, and accept my emotions.
ArmRepresents the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life.I embrace life’s experiences with strength and grace.
ArteriesCarry the joy of life.Joy flows freely through me, nourishing my being.
Arthritic FingersA desire to punish. Blame. Feeling victimized.I release the need to punish, forgive, and embrace love.
ArthritisFeeling unloved. Criticism, resentment. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Feeling victimized. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness. Resentment. Deep criticism of authority. Feeling very put upon.I am surrounded by love. I release resentment and embrace forgiveness.
AsthmaSmother love. Inability to breathe for oneself. Feeling stifled. Suppressed crying.I breathe freely, and I am supported by the abundance of life.
Athlete’s FootFrustration at not being accepted. Inability to move forward with ease.I am accepted for who I am, and I move forward with ease and grace.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
Back IssuesRepresents the support of life.I trust and embrace the support that life provides me.
Back ProblemsRounded shoulders: Carrying the burdens of life. Helpless and hopeless.I release burdens and embrace hope and support in my life.
Lower Back PainFear of money or lack of financial support.I am financially supported, and abundance flows freely into my life.
Mid-Back PainGuilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there. “Get off my back!”I release guilt and move forward with lightness and freedom.
Upper Back PainLack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Holding back love.I am surrounded by love and support, and I freely give and receive love.
Back CurvatureThe inability to flow with the support of life. Fear and trying to hold on to old ideas. Not trusting life. Lack of integrity. No courage of convictions.I trust in life’s flow and live with integrity and courage.
Bad BreathAnger and revenge thoughts. Experiences backing up.I release anger and embrace forgiveness and peace within myself.
Balance, Loss ofScattered thinking. Not centered.I center myself and focus my thoughts to find balance and clarity.
BaldnessFear. Tension. Trying to control everything.I release fear and tension, allowing things to unfold naturally.
BedwettingFear of parent, usually the father.I release fear and trust in my safety and security.
BelchingFear. Gulping life too quickly.I trust in the pace of life and savor each experience.
Bell’s PalsyExtreme control over anger. Unwillingness to express feelings.I express my feelings openly and release the need for control.
Bladder ProblemsAnxiety. Holding on to old ideas. Fear of letting go. Being “pissed off”.I release anxiety, let go of old patterns, and embrace peace and freedom.
BleedingJoy running out. Anger.I embrace joy and release anger, allowing peace to flow within me.
BlistersResistance. Lack of emotional protection.I open myself to emotional healing and protection.
Blood PressureHigh: Longstanding emotional problem not solved. Low: Lack of love as a child. Defeatism.I resolve emotional issues and embrace love and self-worth.
Body OdorFear. Dislike of the self. Fear of others.I love and accept myself, feeling confident and at ease around others.
BonesRepresent the structure of the universe.I trust in the structure of life and feel supported by the universe.
Bone MarrowRepresents deepest beliefs about the self. How you support and care for yourself.I nurture myself with love and support, believing in my worthiness.
BreaksRebelling against authority.I respect authority while standing in my truth and integrity.
BrainRepresents the computer, the switchboard.I think clearly and make decisions that align with my highest good.
TumorIncorrect computerized beliefs. Stubborn. Refusing to change old patterns.I release limiting beliefs and embrace new perspectives and growth.
BreastRepresents mothering and nurturing and nourishment.I nurture myself and others with love and compassion.
Cysts, Lumps A refusal to nourish the self. Putting everyone else first. Over mothering. Overprotection. Overbearing attitudes.I prioritize self-care and nourishment, finding balance in caring for others.
BreathRepresents the ability to take in life.I breathe deeply, taking in life’s abundance and vitality.
Breathing ProblemsFear. Not trusting the process of life. Getting stuck in childhood. Fear of taking in life fully.I trust in life’s flow and embrace each moment with courage and openness.
BronchitisInflamed family environment. Arguments and yelling.I cultivate a peaceful environment and communicate with love and understanding.
BruisesThe little bumps in life. Self-punishment.I forgive myself and release self-punishment, embracing self-love and acceptance.
BulimiaHopeless terror. A frantic stuffing and purging of self-hatred.I release fear and self-hatred, embracing self-love and peace within me.
BurnsAnger. Burning up. Incensed.I release anger and embrace inner peace and calmness.
BursitisRepressed anger. Wanting to hit someone.I release repressed anger and express emotions in healthy ways.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
CallusesHardened concepts and ideas. Fear solidified.I release hardened beliefs and embrace openness and flexibility.
CancerDeep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds.I release resentment and embrace forgiveness and healing.
CandidaFeeling very scattered. Lots of frustration and anger. Demanding and untrusting in relationships. Great takers.I cultivate inner peace and trust, letting go of demands and embracing balance.
Canker SoresFestering words held back by the lips. Blame.I speak with kindness and release blame and negativity.
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeAnger and frustration at life’s seeming injustices.I release anger and frustration, finding peace and acceptance in life.
CataractsInability to see ahead with joy. Dark future.I see the future with clarity and embrace joy and positivity.
CelluliteStored anger and self-punishment.I release anger and self-punishment, embracing self-love and acceptance.
Cerebral PalsyA need to unite the family in an action of love.I cultivate love and unity within my family, bringing harmony and healing.
ChillsMental contraction, pulling away and in. Desire to retreat.I embrace warmth and openness, stepping forward with courage and confidence.
CholesterolClogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy.I release fear and open myself to accepting joy and abundance.
CirculationRepresents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.I express my emotions in healthy and positive ways, embracing balance and harmony.
ColdsToo much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts.I find clarity and peace amidst chaos, letting go of small hurts and confusion.
ColicMental irritation, impatience, annoyance in the surroundings.I cultivate patience and calmness, embracing peace in my surroundings.
ColitisInsecurity. Represents the ease of letting go of that which is over.I release insecurity and embrace letting go of the past with ease and grace.
ComaFear. Escaping something or someone.I release fear and embrace courage, facing life with strength and determination.
ConjunctivitisAnger and frustration at what you are looking at in life.I see life with love and positivity, releasing anger and frustration.
ConstipationIncomplete releasing. Holding on to garbage of the past. Guilt over the past. Sometimes stinginess.I release guilt and let go of past burdens, embracing freedom and openness.
CornsHardened areas of thought – stubborn holding on to the pain of the past.I release past pain and embrace openness and flexibility of thought.
CoughsA desire to bark at the world. “Listen to me!”I express myself with clarity and assertiveness, feeling heard and understood.
CrampsTension. Fear. Gripping, holding on.I release tension and fear, embracing relaxation and letting go.
Crohn’s DiseaseFear. Worry. Not feeling good enough.I release fear and worry, embracing self-worth and well-being.
CryingTears are the river of life, shed in joy as well as in sadness and fear.I allow myself to express emotions freely, finding peace and healing.
CutsPunishment for not following your own rules.I forgive myself and release self-punishment, embracing self-love and acceptance.
CystsRunning the old painful movie. Nursing hurts. A false growth.I release old pain and embrace healing and growth.
Cystic FibrosisA thick belief that life won’t work for you. “Poor me.”I release limiting beliefs and embrace the possibilities and abundance of life.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
DeafnessRejection, stubbornness, isolation. What don’t you want to hear? “Don’t bother me.”I am open to hearing and understanding, embracing communication and connection.
DepressionAnger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness.I embrace my emotions, finding peace and hope within myself.
DiabetesLonging for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.I release the past, embrace the present, and find sweetness in life.
DiarrheaFear. Rejection. Running off.I release fear and embrace stability and peace within myself.
DizzinessFlighty, scattered thinking. A refusal to look.I focus my thoughts, finding clarity and direction in life.
Dry eyesAngry eyes. Refusing to see with love. Would rather die than forgive. Being spiteful.I see with love and forgiveness, embracing peace and harmony in my vision.
DysmenorrheaAnger at the self. Hatred of the body or of women.I love and accept myself and my body, finding peace and healing within.


EarRepresents the capacity to hear. – Ache: Anger. Not wanting to hear. Too much turmoil. Household arguing.I listen with openness and understanding, finding harmony and peace in communication.
EczemaBreath-taking antagonism. Mental eruptions.I release tension and find peace and calmness in my thoughts and actions.
EdemaWhat or who won’t you let go of?I release what no longer serves me, embracing freedom and lightness in my life.
ElbowRepresents changing directions and accepting new experiences.I embrace change and new experiences with courage and openness.
EmphysemaFear of taking in life. Not worthy of living.I am worthy of life and embrace each moment with gratitude and acceptance.
EndometriosisInsecurity, disappointment, and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar. Blamers.I love and accept myself, releasing blame and finding inner peace and healing.
EpilepsySense of persecution. Rejection of life. A feeling of great struggle. Self-violence.I release feelings of persecution and embrace life with peace and acceptance.
Epstein-Barr VirusPushing beyond one’s limits. Fear of not being good enough. Draining all inner support. Stress.I honor my limits, release fear, and find inner strength and support.
EyeRepresents the capacity to see clearly past, present, future. – Astigmatism: “I” trouble. Fear of really seeing the self.I see myself clearly and with love, embracing self-awareness and acceptance.
Hyperopia: Fear of the present. – Myopia: Fear of the future.I embrace the present and future with clarity and trust in the process of life.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
FaceRepresents what we show the world.I show my true self with confidence and authenticity.
FaintingFear. Can’t cope. Blacking out.I face my fears and cope with challenges with strength and resilience.
Fat or Weight issuesOversensitivity. Fear. Seeking fulfillment. Insecurity, self-rejection.I embrace my worthiness and love myself unconditionally.
Arms: Anger at being denied love.I am worthy of love and express it freely.
Belly: Anger at being denied nourishment.I nourish myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Hips: Lumps of stubborn anger at the parents.I release anger and forgive, finding peace and healing.
Thighs: Packed childhood anger. Often rage at the father.I release childhood anger and embrace peace within myself.
FatigueResistance, boredom. Lack of love for what one does.I find joy and passion in what I do, feeling energized and fulfilled.
FeetRepresent our understanding – of ourselves, of life, of others.I understand myself, life, and others with clarity and compassion.
Foot Problems: Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life.I step forward with confidence and embrace the future with courage.
FeverAnger. Burning up.I release anger and embrace inner peace and calmness.
Fibroid TumorsNursing a hurt from a partner. A blow to the feminine ego.I release past hurts and embrace my feminine strength and worthiness.
FingersRepresent the details of life.I pay attention to the details and navigate life with clarity and purpose.
Thumb: Represents intellect and worry.I trust my intellect and release worry, embracing peace of mind.
Index: Represents ego and fear.I release ego and fear, embracing humility and courage.
Middle: Represents anger and sexuality.I express my anger and sexuality healthily and confidently.
Ring: Represents unions and grief.I release grief and embrace union and love.
Little: Represents the family and pretending.I honor my family and live authentically, free from pretense.
Food PoisoningAllowing others to take control. Feeling defenseless.I take control of my life and protect myself with confidence.
FrigidityFear. Denial of pleasure. A belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners. Fear of father.I embrace pleasure and intimacy, releasing fear and embracing love and connection.
FungusStagnating beliefs. Refusing to release the past. Letting the past rule today.I release stagnant beliefs and live in the present with openness and growth.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
GallstonesBitterness. Hard thoughts. Condemning. Pride.I release bitterness and embrace forgiveness and humility.
GasGripping. Fear. Undigested ideas.I release fear and embrace relaxation and clarity in my thoughts.
GastritisProlonged uncertainty. A feeling of doom.I trust in the unfolding of life and embrace hope and positivity.
GenitalsRepresent the masculine and feminine principles. Worry about not being good enough.I embrace my masculine and feminine aspects, feeling worthy and whole.
Gland ProblemsRepresent holding stations. Self-staring activity. Holding yourself back.I release self-limiting beliefs and embrace forward movement and growth.
GoutThe need to dominate. Impatience, anger.I release the need to dominate and embrace patience and understanding.
GlaucomaStony unforgiveness. Pressure from longstanding hurts. Overwhelmed by it all.I release unforgiveness and embrace healing and peace within myself.
Gray HairStress. A belief in pressure and strain.I release stress and embrace relaxation and ease in my life.
GrowthsNursing those old hurts. Building resentments.I release old hurts and resentments, embracing healing and growth.
Gum ProblemsInability to back up decisions. Indecisive about life.I trust in my decisions and embrace clarity and decisiveness in life.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
HandsHold and handle. Clutch and grip. Grasping and letting go. Caressing. Pinching. All ways of dealing with experiences.I handle experiences with ease and grace, embracing balance and flow in life.
Hay FeverEmotional congestion. Fear of the calendar. A belief in persecution. Guilt.I release emotional congestion and embrace clarity and peace within myself.
HeadachesInvalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear.I validate myself and release self-criticism, embracing self-love and peace.
HeartRepresents the center of love and security. – Heart Attack: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position. Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.” – Heart Problems: Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress.I open my heart to love and joy, releasing fear and embracing peace and security.
HeartburnFear. Fear. Fear. Clutching Fear.I release fear and embrace calmness and relaxation in my life.
HemorrhoidsFear of deadlines. Anger of the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened.I release fear and anger, embracing freedom and lightness in my life.
HepatitisResistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage.I embrace change and release fear and anger, finding peace and healing.
HerniaRuptured relationships. Strain, burdens, incorrect creative expression.I heal relationships and release strain, embracing creativity and ease.
Herpes GenitalisMass belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in a punishing God. Rejection of the genitals.I release sexual guilt and shame, embracing self-acceptance and love.
Herpes SimplexBitter words left unspoken.I release bitterness and express myself with love and honesty.
HipCarries the body in perfect balance. Major thrust in moving forward. Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to.I move forward with confidence and balance, embracing opportunities and growth.
HivesSmall, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.I release hidden fears and embrace calmness and perspective in life.
Hodgkin’s DiseaseBlame and a tremendous fear of not being good enough. A frantic race to prove one’s self until the blood has no substance left to support itself. The joy of life is forgotten in the race of acceptance.I release blame and fear, embracing self-worth and joy in life.
HyperactivityFear. Feeling pressured and frantic.I release fear and pressure, embracing calmness and balance in my energy.
HyperventilationFear. Resisting change. Not trusting the process.I trust in the process of life and embrace change with ease and openness.
HypoglycemiaOverwhelmed by the burdens in life.I release burdens and embrace lightness and balance in my life.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
ImpotenceSexual pressure, tension, guilt. Social beliefs. Spite against a previous mate. Fear of mother.I release sexual pressure and guilt, embracing self-acceptance and love.
IncontinenceEmotional overflow. Years of controlling emotions.I embrace emotional balance and release control, finding peace and harmony.
IndigestionGut-level fear, dread, anxiety. Griping and grunting.I release fear and anxiety, embracing digestion and ease in life.
InfectionIrritation, anger, annoyance.I release irritation and anger, embracing peace and harmony.
InflammationFear. Seeing red. Inflamed thinking. Anger and frustration about conditions you are looking at in your life.I release fear and anger, embracing calmness and clarity in my life.
InfluenzaResponse to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics.I release fear and negativity, embracing health and positivity.
Ingrown ToenailWorry and guilt about your right to move forward.I release worry and guilt, embracing confidence and progress.
InjuriesAnger at the self. Feeling guilty.I forgive myself and release guilt, embracing healing and self-compassion.
InsanityFleeing from the family. Escapism, withdrawal. Violent separation from life.I embrace connection and engagement, releasing escapism and fear.
InsomniaFear. Not trusting the process of life. Guilt.I trust in the process of life and release fear and guilt, embracing rest and peace.
IntestinesRepresent assimilation and absorption.I assimilate experiences with ease and absorb wisdom and growth.
ItchingDesires that go against the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse. Itching to get out or get away.I align with my true desires and release remorse, embracing satisfaction and freedom.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
JaundiceInternal and external prejudice. Unbalanced reason.I release prejudice and embrace balance and clarity in my reasoning.
Jaw ProblemsAnger. Resentment. Desire for revenge.I release anger and resentment, embracing forgiveness and peace.
Kidney ProblemsCriticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. Reacting like a child.I embrace self-acceptance and release criticism, finding strength and resilience.
Kidney StonesLumps of undissolved anger.I dissolve anger and embrace peace and harmony in my body.
KneeRepresents pride and ego. Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won’t give in.I release pride and fear, embracing flexibility and humility.
LaryngitisSo mad you can’t speak. Fear of speaking up. Resentment of authority.I express myself with ease and confidence, embracing communication and empowerment.
Left Side of BodyRepresents receptivity, taking in, feminine energy, women, the mother.I embrace receptivity and feminine energy, feeling balanced and empowered.
LegCarry us forward in life.I move forward with strength and determination, embracing progress and growth.
LiverSeat of anger and primitive emotions. Chronic complaining. Justifying fault-finding to deceive yourself. Feeling bad.I release anger and embrace peace and self-acceptance.
LockjawAnger. A desire to control. A refusal to express feelings.I release the need for control and express my feelings freely and openly.
Lump in the ThroatFear. Not trusting the process of life.I trust in the process of life and release fear, embracing peace and confidence.
LungThe ability to take in life. Depression. Grief. Not feeling worthy of living life fully.I embrace life fully and release depression, feeling worthy and alive.
LupusA giving up. Better to die than stand up for one’s self. Anger and punishment.I stand up for myself and embrace life, releasing anger and punishment.
Lymph ProblemsA warning that the mind needs to be recentered on the essentials of life. Love and joy.I center my mind on love and joy, embracing balance and well-being.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
MalariaOut of balance with nature and with life.I harmonize with nature and life, embracing balance and vitality.
Menopause ProblemsFear of no longer being wanted. Fear of aging. Self-rejection. Not feeling good enough.I embrace my worth and vitality, aging with grace and confidence.
Menstrual ProblemsRejection of one’s femininity. Guilt, fear. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty.I embrace my femininity with love and acceptance, releasing guilt and fear.
Migraine HeadachesDislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears.I flow with life’s rhythm, embracing relaxation and openness.
MiscarriageFear of the future. Inappropriate timing.I trust in divine timing and embrace peace and acceptance.
MononucleosisAnger at not receiving love and appreciation. No longer caring for the self.I am deserving of love and care, embracing self-love and appreciation.
Motion SicknessFear. Bondage. Feeling of being trapped.I release fear and embrace freedom and movement in life.
MouthRepresents taking in of new ideas and nourishment. Set opinions. Closed mind. Incapacity to take in new ideas.I am open to new ideas and experiences, embracing flexibility and growth.
Multiple SclerosisMental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility.I embrace flexibility and openness, allowing flow and ease in life.
MusclesResistance to new experiences. Muscles represent our ability to move in life.I embrace new experiences with ease and strength, allowing movement and growth.
Muscular Dystrophy“It’s not worth growing up.”I am worthy of growth and transformation, embracing maturity with joy and confidence.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
NailsRepresent protection.I am protected and safe, embracing my strength and resilience.
Nail BitingFrustration. Eating away at the self. Spite of a parent.I release frustration and embrace self-care and nurturing.
NarcolepsyCan’t cope. Extreme fear. Wanting to get away from it all. Not wanting to be here.I trust in my ability to cope and embrace life with courage and presence.
NauseaFear. Rejecting an idea or experience.I release fear and embrace openness and acceptance in life.
NeckRepresents flexibility. The ability to see what’s back there. Stubbornness, inflexibility.I embrace flexibility and openness, seeing different perspectives with ease.
NephritisOverreaction to disappointment and failure.I release overreaction and embrace resilience and balance in life.
NervesRepresent communication. Receptive reporters.I am open to clear and effective communication, expressing myself with ease.
Nervous BreakdownSelf-centeredness. Jamming the channels of communication.I release self-centeredness and embrace open and harmonious communication.
NervousnessFear, anxiety, struggle, rushing. Not trusting the process of life.I trust in the flow of life and embrace calmness and confidence in every moment.
NeuralgiaPunishment for guilt. Anguish over communication.I release guilt and anguish, embracing healing and understanding in communication.
NodulesResentment and frustration and hurt ego over career.I release resentment and frustration, embracing growth and fulfillment in my career.
NoseRepresents self-recognition.I recognize my worth and value, embracing self-love and acceptance.
Nose BleedsA need for recognition. Feeling unnoticed. Crying for love.I am noticed and loved, embracing recognition and appreciation in my life.
Runny NoseAsking for help. Inner crying.I ask for and receive help, embracing support and healing.
Stuffy NoseNot recognizing the self-worth.I recognize my worth and value, embracing self-acceptance and confidence.
NumbnessWithholding love and consideration. Going dead mentally.I open my heart to love and understanding, embracing vitality and clarity.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
OsteomyelitisAnger and frustration at the very structure of life. Feeling unsupported.I release anger and frustration, embracing support and stability in life.
OsteoporosisFeeling there is no support left in life. Mental pressures and tightness. Muscles can’t stretch. Loss of mental mobility.I embrace support and flexibility, allowing mental mobility and ease in life.
OvariesRepresent points of creation. Creativity.I embrace my creativity and nurture my ability to create and manifest in life.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
PainGuilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.I release guilt and embrace self-compassion and forgiveness.
ParalysisParalysing thoughts. Getting stuck. Terror leading to escape from a situation or person.I release limiting thoughts and embrace freedom and empowerment.
PancreasRepresents the sweetness of life.I embrace the sweetness of life and nourish my body and soul with joy.
PancreatitisRejection. Anger and frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness.I let go of rejection and anger, embracing joy and sweetness in life.
ParasitesGiving power to others, letting them take over and live off of you.I reclaim my power and set healthy boundaries, nourishing myself from within.
Parkinson’s DiseaseFear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone.I release fear and control, embracing trust and acceptance in life.
Peptic UlcerFear. A belief that you are not good enough. Anxious to please.I release fear and embrace self-worth and confidence in myself.
PhlebitisAnger and frustration. Blaming others for the limitation and lack of joy in life.I release anger and blame, embracing joy and freedom in life.
PimplesSmall outbursts of anger.I release anger and express myself calmly and positively.
Pituitary GlandRepresents the control centre.I trust my inner guidance and embrace balance and control in life.
PneumoniaDesperate. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.I heal my emotional wounds and embrace vitality and renewal in life.
Poison IvyAllergy Feeling defenceless and open to attack.I protect myself and feel empowered and resilient.
PolioParalysing jealousy. A desire to stop someone.I release jealousy and embrace trust and harmony in relationships.
Premenstrual SyndromeAllowing confusion to reign. Giving power to outside influences. Rejection of the feminine processes.I embrace balance and clarity, empowering my feminine essence.
ProstateRepresents the masculine principle. Mental fears weaken the masculinity. Giving up. Sexual pressure and guilt. Belief in ageing.I embrace my masculinity with strength and confidence, releasing fears and pressure.
PsoriasisFear of being hurt. Deadening the senses of the self. Refusing to accept responsibility for our own feelings.I face my fears with courage and embrace self-expression and responsibility.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
RashIrritation over delays. Immature way to get attention.I embrace patience and handle delays with maturity and grace.
Right Side of BodyGiving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, the father.I embrace balance and strength in my masculine energy and relationships.
RingwormAllowing others to get under your skin. Not feeling good enough or clean enough.I release insecurity and embrace self-worth and cleanliness in body and mind.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
ScabiesInfected thinking. Allowing others to get under your skin.I cleanse my thoughts and protect my inner peace from negative influences.
SciaticaBeing hypocritical. Fear of money and of the future.I embrace honesty and release fear, trusting in abundance and the future.
SclerodermaProtecting the self from life. Not trusting yourself to be there and to take care of yourself.I trust in myself and embrace life with openness and courage.
ScratchesFeeling life tears at you, that life is a rip off.I embrace life’s challenges and find strength in adversity.
SenilityReturning to the so-called safety of childhood. Demanding care and attention. A form of control of those around you. Escapism.I embrace my wisdom and live in the present moment with clarity and acceptance.
ShinRepresents the standards of life. Breaking down ideals.I adapt to life’s changes and embrace new perspectives and opportunities.
ShinglesWaiting for the other shoe to drop. Fear and tension. Too sensitive.I release fear and tension, embracing peace and resilience.
Sinus ProblemsIrritation to one person, someone close.I release irritation and embrace harmony and understanding in relationships.
SkinProtects our individuality. Anxiety, fear. Old, buried things. I am being threatened.I embrace my individuality and release fear, feeling safe and secure in myself.
Slipped DiscFeeling totally unsupported by life. Indecisive.I trust in life’s support and make confident decisions for my well-being.
SnoringStubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.I release old patterns and embrace openness and change.
Solar PlexusGut reactions. Centre of our intuitive power.I trust my intuition and embrace my inner strength and wisdom.
SoresUnexpressed anger that settles in.I release anger and express myself freely, promoting healing and release.
SpleenObsessions. Being obsessed about things.I release obsessions and embrace balance and peace of mind.
SprainsAnger and resistance. Not wanting to move in a certain direction in life.I release resistance and embrace growth and movement in life.
SterilityFear and resistance to the process of life or not needing to go through the parenting experience.I trust in the process of life and embrace new beginnings with courage and openness.
StiffnessRigid, stiff thinking.I release rigidity and embrace flexibility and open-mindedness.
StomachHolds nourishment. Digests ideas. Dread. Fear of the new. Inability to assimilate the new.I digest new ideas with ease and embrace change and growth in my life.
StrokeGiving up. Resistance. Rather die than change. Rejection of life.I embrace life and change with courage and acceptance.
StutteringInsecurity. Lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.I express myself freely and confidently, embracing my voice and emotions.
StyLooking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.I release anger and embrace peace and understanding.
Suicidal ThoughtsSee life only in black and white. Refusal to see another way out.I see life’s possibilities and embrace hope and optimism.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
TeethRepresent decisions. – Teeth Problems: Longstanding indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions. – Root Canal: Can’t bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed. – Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Not giving yourself mental space to create a firm foundation.I make decisions with clarity and confidence, embracing wisdom and analysis.
ThroatAvenue of expression. Channel of creativity. – Throat Problems: The inability to speak up for one’s self. Swallowed anger. Stifled creativity. Refusal to change. – Sore throat: Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.I express myself freely and confidently, embracing creativity and openness.
ThrushAnger over making the wrong decisions.I release anger and embrace forgiveness, making wise decisions with ease.
Thymus GlandFeeling attacked by life. They are out to get me.I release fear and embrace trust, feeling safe and supported by life.
Thyroid GlandHumiliation. I never get to do what I want to do. When is it going to be my turn. – Hyperthyroid: Rage at being left out.I honor my desires and embrace opportunity, feeling empowered and fulfilled.
Tics, TwitchesFear. A feeling of being watched by others.I release fear and embrace confidence, feeling at ease and secure.
Tinnitus or Ringing in the EarsRefusal to listen. Not hearing the inner voice. Stubbornness.I listen to my inner voice and embrace openness and receptivity.
ToesRepresent the minor details of the future.I pay attention to details and embrace clarity and foresight.
TongueRepresents the ability to taste the pleasures of life with joy.I savor life’s pleasures with joy and gratitude, embracing happiness and contentment.
TonsillitisFear. Repressed emotions. Stifled creativity.I release fear and express my emotions freely, embracing creativity and openness.
TuberculosisWasting away from selfishness. Possessive. Cruel thoughts. Revenge.I let go of selfishness and embrace compassion and kindness, promoting healing.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
Urinary InfectionsPissed off, usually at the opposite sex or a lover. Blaming others.I release anger and blame, embracing forgiveness and understanding.
UterusRepresents the home of creativity.I embrace my creativity and nurture my inner home with love and joy.
VaginitisAnger at a mate. Sexual guilt. Punishing the self.I release anger and guilt, embracing love and harmony in my relationships.
Varicose VeinsStanding in a situation you hate. Discouragement. Feeling over-worked and overburdened.I release negativity and embrace positivity and lightness in my life.
VitiligoFeeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group.I belong and connect with others, embracing acceptance and unity.
VomitingViolent rejection of ideas. Fear of the new.I embrace new ideas and experiences with openness and courage.


AilmentEmotional/Mental CauseAffirmation
WartsLittle expressions of hate. Belief in ugliness.

Plantar Warts: Anger at the very basis of your understanding. Spreading frustration about the future.
I release hate and embrace love and beauty within myself.

I release anger and frustration, embracing understanding and hope.
WeaknessLack of self-confidence. Betraying the self.I believe in my abilities and trust in myself, feeling strong and empowered.
Weight IssuesSee Fat or Weight issues above.See affirmation under “Fat or Weight issues” above.
WhiplashFear. A sudden emotional jolt.I release fear and embrace calmness and resilience.
Wisdom TeethNot giving yourself mental space to create a firm foundation.I create mental space for wisdom and growth, building a strong foundation.
WoundsAnger from the past. Hurts.I heal past wounds and release anger, embracing forgiveness and peace.
WrinklesDeep lines of worry. Fear of aging.I release worry and fear, embracing inner peace and age gracefully.
WristRepresents movement and ease.I move with ease and grace, embracing flexibility and flow in my life.
XanthomaBelief in the hardness of the heart.I soften my heart and embrace love and compassion.
Yellow FeverFear.I release fear and embrace courage and strength.
Yeast InfectionsDenying your own needs. Not feeling good enough.I honor my needs and embrace self-worth, feeling healthy and fulfilled.
YawningUnable to make a decision.I make decisions with clarity and confidence, embracing action and purpose.
ZitsSmall expressions of anger.I release anger and embrace peace and clarity in my skin.