Practitioner Supervision

Are you a practitioner looking to deepen your skills?

Supervision and mentoring have been some of the most useful and profound work I have received as a professional, and therefore it has become an integral offering as part of my practice. 

Creating a wide base of support and resources around us is vital and helps us to remain in integrity and show up to the best of our ability with our clients.

As practitioners, we may also have our own trauma or behavioural patterns. Developing an awareness of this and creating space for what we may need, helps us to show up in a clean and ethical way for clients.

Working in private practice and running a business can be challenging. Support around the different nuances that may show up can help you to thrive in your chosen niche.  

Get in touch Book a supervision session
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Why you might attend supervision

  • You would like to be a safer practitioner and deepen your skills with your clients
  • You would like support with learning from themes or patterns that are showing up in your professional field
  • You want reflections on client cases to help both you and them move through them in a transformative way
  • You would like to grow as a practitioner and increase your capacity
  • You are aware of your limits and would like support in areas that you feel less confident in
  • You want to cultivate a trauma informed practice
  • You are aware of things that aren’t working in your business
  • You are feeling tired and burnt out in your practice
  • You want to expand your remit of safe practice
  • You would like clarity and support about the progression and direction of your business

What you may expect from supervision

  • Greater insight into how your patterns show up in your work
  • Support with personal or professional challenges which may be coming up with your work
  • Deepening your space holding skills
  • Reflection on specific techniques
  • Support with business, marketing and backend aspects of business as well as client work
  • Access to helpful business resources
  • Clarity on your professional needs and your next steps
  • Applying trauma informed skills and practices with your clients
  • Expand the range of skills you have to support your clients
  • Understanding your own consent within your work
  • Developing rhythms of care for sustainable practice
  • Support and reflection around topics – this is your time and space, you get to choose which topics you bring


Empower your team and unleash their full potential

EAP Well-being for not-for-profits | corporate | government | schools | mental health organisations | health services 

Are you an organisation wanting to provide supervision and support to your team for positive culture, development, staff retention, & wellbeing?

Does your team work in a demanding industry where their wellbeing and motivation is paramount to the service you offer?

Do you want to be a reputable employer with integrity for a cause that matters, by ensuring your team’s wellbeing for the betterment of all?

I provide organisations private one on one sessions and development workshops for their frontline managers and dedicated staff to grow the leadership skills they need to continue achieving massive goals in their roles.

Ensure your employees are feeling acknowledged, appreciated and valued.

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Why provide supervision for your staff?

Understanding how your team works individually and collectively and how they reflect organisational themes back into their work is paramount to relationship building and success. 

I focus on helping define a person’s individual purpose, set goals, and work through interpersonal dynamics and personal situations to bring about staff retention, satisfaction and productivity.

  • Employee Assistance Program – Employee well-being solution
  • Supervision and practical support for frontline leaders
  • Increased understanding of team emotional patterns 
  • Maintaining professional relationships
  • Building team success and motivation
  • Build team well-being, satisfaction and retention
  • Foster positive organisational culture
  • New staff member support and integration
  • Increase productivity
  • Management of dual relationships

What they can achieve from support

Your team can feel valued, accepted and appreciated. Fulfilment of these grass-roots values can in-turn generate team and organisational successes.

  • Relieve stress or tension
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Improve emotional state or mental wellbeing
  • Develop and instil resilience
  • Self-empowerment
  • Improved work life balance
  • Increased motivation and productivity
  • Feeling acknowledged, appreciated and valued
  • Decrease burn-out
  • Increased professional and personal boundaries
  • Positive inter-staff relationships
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Caris Pepper
Registered Arts Therapist

I believe that quality mental health services are an important part of our wellbeing as a community and supervision is paramount to fostering leaders, productive teams and ethical practices.

Years of on-the-ground experience means I understand that to improve the performance of a practitioner or remote based manager, I have had to walk a few hundred miles in their shoes.

Services include the provision of one to one supervision, therapeutics, toolbox seminars, and group workshops to foster positive staff relationships, well being, and retention.

Coffee Mug


Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (2023)
Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (2015)
Holistic Health Practitioner Network Inc. (2017)
Teachers Registration Board of Western Australia (2011)
Working with Children Check & Ochre Card
Police Clearance

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Holistic Health Practitioner Network Member Western Australia